Resistbot Petition: STEP UP OR STEP AWAY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Friday. Looking forward to a giant cocktail tonight. We all deserve one. Every day gets nuttier. But the main thought I hold on to...Joe Biden will be sworn in as president on January 20. You know it. I know it. Mr. Trump knows it. The whole world knows it. The headlines are outraged with silly legal machinations. That’s fine. SCOTUS will shoot down the final desperate volley by Texas. And our state will suffer in the court of public opinion. As it should. We allowed ourselves to be made a laughing stock because our AG wants...something? But what is really apparent, and that no voter should forget going forward, is that a majority of House Republicans, scads of Republican AGs, numerous other Republican officials, even one of my own Senators, has signed on to the concept of hopefully subverting our democracy. Elections be damned. Will of the people be damned. Regard for the sanctity of our vote be damned. The whole structure of our democracy, which you/they theoretically work for and owe allegiance to first and foremost, be damned. Instead, your party, judging by the volume of whining and headlines, has become a cult, devoted to one man. And It’s really laughable that Donald Trump has been chosen as your American savior. It boogles the mind. I doubt any of you actually care for the man. But you do care for the power you think he wields. And that is the thing you crave more than Trump. More than America. Ditch the concept of Public Servant. Substitute Trump Servant instead. So that’s the thing that should be remembered. The people who jumped into the fire that is DJT. And cared little about the ramifications to their government and country. All those people should find themselves another employer besides the government they take from, but try and destroy at the same time. I certainly don’t want to continue paying their salaries. They are not patriots. They are un-American. And if I hear the phase ‘the president deserves to use every legal recourse available to him’, as he continues his lunatic quest to overthrow an election he lost, I’m gonna scream. At least come up with a better justification for why your party is okay with overthrowing democracy. That one’s getting really old.

▶ Created on December 11, 2020 by Debbie

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