Resistbot Petition: TEXAS SULLIED

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Looks like the incompetent coup has finally been put down. I doubt it’ll go quietly but at least we now have a list of those in the GOP who absolutely, positively put political self-interests over the country, the Constitution, and their own oft-stated beliefs. Senator Cornyn, thank you for not jumping on the seditious bandwagon brought by Texas. Senator Cruz, you’ll have to save your show-boating for the next assault on democracy. And Rep. Conaway, shame on you. You are leaving the building. This is what you chose as your last political statement? To attack our democracy? To attempt to overthrow the will of the people? To throw the concept of states rights onto the bonfire? And that you KNEW it wasn’t going to go anywhere, makes it even more perplexing. The greatest mystery of our times...what happened to the Republican Party? If you believe you were following the will of the people, you have bad judgement. Neither the people nor history is on your side. If you were following what you believed your constituents want, you did a disservice to your country. As our mothers were so fond of asking us ‘If [Mr. Trump] jumped off a cliff, would you?’ Question asked and answered. All of the folks who signed onto an attempt to overthrow a democratic election, to throw out votes, to overturn the will of the people, do not deserve to continue in government service. As has been pointed out, there is a clause in the 14th Amendment, enacted after the Civil War, designed to keep traitors out of government. Section 3 prohibits anyone who had gone to war against the union or given aid and comfort to the nation’s enemies from running for federal or state office. “Stated simply, the men and women who would act to tear the United States Government apart cannot serve as Members of the Congress.” Texas: Jodey Arrington, Brian Babin, Michael C. Burgess, Michael Cloud, K. Michael Conaway, Dan Crenshaw, Bill Flores, Louie Gohmert, Lance Gooden, Kenny Marchant, Randy Weber, Roger Williams, Ron Wright These people are the opposite of patriots. And no amount of twisted logic or sore-loser grievance will change that. Their decisions will stand in history.

▶ Created on December 12, 2020 by Debbie

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