Resistbot Petition: NO PROFILE IN COURAGE HERE (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Just an observation from a constituent you could care less about (a woman) on the perception as reality tact your campaign seems to be taking to win hearts and minds. Tonight is the first and only debate between you and Beto O’Rourke. With no live audience, based on your requirement to even show up. Fear of your constituents is not a good look. So instead of a live debate, with citizen involvement, we’ll get a life-free zone guaranteed to make the whole proceeding a canned production. As was pointed out by a tweet from the O’Rourke campaign, “Greg Abbott let more people in to the room to watch him ban abortion in the case of rape and incest than he’s letting into the room for tonight’s debate.” And included a pic of lots of smiling folk standing behind you reveling in the cruelty as you stripped our personal freedom away. A monstrous visual. Probably an astute move on your campaign’s part though. They can read the room, as I expect most in tonight’s audience would definitely not be smiling. But that doesn’t make it any less cowardly. Or you any less responsible for the agony, death, and despair you helped bring on half your constituents.

▶ Created on September 30, 2022 by Debbie

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