Resistbot Petition: HOW THE OTHER 99% LIVE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Do you ever feel like maybe your GOP presidential front runner might be a deep state agent working for the Democratic Party? Just wondering since he seems to do everything in his power to make y’all look bad. Latest case in point. He still thinks getting rid of Obamacare is a sure-fire winner. And wants y’all to get busy ripping healthcare away from millions of Americans once he’s back in office. Do you realize how tone deaf it is to listen to wealthy politicians talk about how Obamacare or Medicaid expansion for the poor is just welfare? Especially when they’re elected officials making these statements while collecting a paycheck from the people. Or making these lofty pronouncements from either a golden palace in FL or a governor’s mansion (mansion!) in most any red state. Which is a rent-free perk paid for by, guess who? It’s good to be secure enough in your environment to know you’ll never be required to make a choice between healthcare or rent and food. To merely subsist rather than live. But lots of folks, your constituents, don’t have that kind of life. And the constant threats to take away our security, be it in healthcare or social safety nets such as Social Security or Medicare/Medicaid, coming from the mouths of your leaders is a political loser. Add taking away a woman’s right to choose, and you have the trifecta of losing causes. Y’all really need to learn how to read the room. And not just the one you’re in.

▶ Created on November 29, 2023 by Debbie

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