Resistbot Petition: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What are y’all trying to turn Texas into? Women have lost control over the most intimate decisions regarding their own bodies and their lives. Voters are being rejected because of unclear, Ill-formed, but oh so successful legislation designed to threaten their votes in the guise of rooting out non-existent voter fraud. Election officials, some of the most selfless elements of our system, are being hounded, intimidated, frightened into leaving their positions. Poll watchers have assumed the role of intimidators. Voting seems have turned into an actual act of bravery as we try to figure out if we will be allowed to vote, whether we will be harassed as we vote, or whether our vote will be thrown out if we actually succeed in voting. Parents of LGBTQ children are scared to death to even voice support for their own children. To equate parental care and concern as they try to help their children through a traumatic process with child abuse is despicable. I expect the next step will be legislation of conversion therapy. Teachers are experiencing the same kinds of intimidation, threats, and fear for their safety created by your misinformation concerning CRT. Who would want to be a teacher here? University professors are being threatened with tenure removal. And they will also live in fear of expressing any perspective that might offend someone, anyone…and lose their jobs. All of these issues are manufactured to divide us. To intimidate us. To make us fearful of our neighbors. These are tactics used by the worst despots and dictators through out history. And Republicans in Texas. Right here. In what used to be the Great State of Texas. What you have done is morally criminal. What gives you the right to take away personal freedoms you always scream about from those you don’t agree with? Texans have no personal freedoms under your Republican leadership. You are going too far.

▶ Created on March 18, 2022 by Debbie

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