An open letter to the U.S. House of Representatives
Time to Make it Dems vs. Trump Judges
2 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!
In the past week, the conservative majority of the Supreme Court has arrogated to itself (and other courts stacked with conservative judges) final say over any regulatory authority. It has taken steps to kneecap executive branch agencies and their ability to serve the American people. It has declared that Presidents are above the law.
I think it’s past time for the Democratic Party to run against conservative Federalist Society judges from SCOTUS on down. These billionaire-bought judges are hell bent on stripping away *our* rights and protections for *our* environment, food, water, workplaces, etc. by overruling the laws passed by representatives *we* elected.
Running on this honestly will require reforming and perhaps expanding federal courts, which will be hard. But otherwise people will blame Democratic administrations and Presidents for the judicial Calvinball of conservative jurists. The time to assign responsibility for the actions of right-wing judges to where it properly belongs starts NOW.