Resistbot Petition: WHATS YOUR DEFENSE?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Let the whinging commence. Loudly. Aggrievedly. Deafeningly. “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” Biden called us names! Deservedly. But still. Would you please refute the specifics of what he said? Can you? “The core point he made in that political speech about a threat to democracy is true.  Now, that’s something that’s not easy for us, as journalists, to say. We’re brought up to believe there’s two different political parties with different points of view and we don’t take sides in honest disagreements between them. But that’s not what we’re talking about. These are not honest disagreements. The Republican Party right now is led by a dishonest demagogue.  Many, many Republicans are rallying behind his lies about the 2020 election and other things as well. And a significant portion—or a sufficient portion—of the constituency that they’re leading attacked the Capitol on January 6th. Violently.  By offering pardons or suggesting pardons for those people who violently attacked the Capitol, … Donald Trump made Joe Biden’s point for him.”  Said by long-time reporter John Harwood as he walked out of the door of CNN. At their request. I guess truth to power can only take you so far these days. Ask Liz Cheney. And the multitudes of others that y’all agreed should be sacrificed on the pyre of the new improved GOP. So please. We’d all really like to hear how anything that is being (finally) said about the complicity of your party in taking us to this dangerous point in our history is untrue. And make it reality based please.

▶ Created on September 3, 2022 by Debbie

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