An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What were reading…Nikki Haley bends the knee today. As we all knew she would. “Explaining her decision to back Trump, Haley said “As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who’s going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account. Who would secure the border, no more excuses. A president who would support capitalism and freedom. A president who understands we need less debt, not more debt.” “Trump has not been perfect on these policies. I have made that clear many, many times. But Biden has been a catastrophe.” Point. Trump wants to pull the US out of NATO and hand Ukraine to Russia. He will only back allies after assessing what’s in it for him. Point. He admires and wants to emulate every authoritarian power he can manage. He wants to form his own twisted NATO alliance with Putin, Orban, Kim, and any other autocrat that he deems tough and powerful. Which in his interpretation is one who rises to power by the abuse of their citizens. Point. He squelched the best likely bipartisan border security bill that made neither side totally happy, but was the best to be seen as possible in decades. Point. Capitalism seems to mean screw the workers, avoid taxes, and keep citizens unequal in financial status. Point. Freedom? Don’t get me started. As a woman I don’t feel particularly free these days. My body is not my own, all because of DJT. Point. Where was concern for the debt when he ran the deficit up by trillions of dollars through tax cuts with no decrease in spending? Then when the pandemic hit (his failure to handle which Haley neglected to mention) we were already so in debt it got drastically worse. Haley also forgot to mention how many future generations will have to bear the weight of this debt.. Oh, and he is the self-described ‘King of Debt.’ NH is deluded, or worse, she believes her voters must be idiots. That all she needs to say is ‘He’s better than Biden’ and they will flock to him. I’d like to see the comparative metrics that support her opinion of ‘better.’ Then we watch John Bolton tell us that he’s gonna write in a third name and vote for neither of them. When asked why he would do that and throw his vote away considering how he currently regards DJT, he hemmed and hawed that the guardrails, or system, or personnel would keep him in line if he gets another turn at the Presidency. That’s worked so well. What a well-thought out solution to a threat to democracy. These so-called ex-Trumpers deserve no notice or regard or credence when they see the danger, but still acquiesce. As they always do. Your leaders are not leaders. Leaders take a stand. They at least try to appear to have integrity. Your true leaders have made a stand and sacrificed their political careers. These other people are the complete opposite of profiles in courage. And yet, that’s what y’all stick with. Amazing.

▶ Created on May 22 by Debbie

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