Resistbot Petition: Protect LGBTQ+ Youth: Revise KOSA to Prevent Censorship

An open letter to the President

Protect LGBTQ+ Youth: Revise KOSA to Prevent Censorship

11 so far! Help us get to 25 signers!

The proposed Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) raises significant concerns regarding potential censorship and the impact on LGBTQ+ youth. The intention to target trans content, as stated by a senator, could result in the removal of valuable resources for young people. This approach may inadvertently harm the very demographic it aims to protect by limiting their access to supportive content. It is crucial to ensure that any legislation aimed at protecting minors online does not disproportionately affect marginalized communities. Therefore, it is requested that the bill be revised to explicitly protect LGBTQ+ content from censorship, ensuring that all young people have access to the resources they need.

▶ Created on September 5, 2023 by Jeffrey

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