Resistbot Petition: DO YOUR JOBS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I know y’all don’t really concern yourselves with public opinion now that my Senators are safely ensconced for a few years and my House Rep is heading home, but for my own conscience I have to speak my piece. We’ve not gone totally authoritarian yet. We, the majority of America, who voted your terrible president out of the office he never deserved to hold, are horrified by the still-persistent enabling of Mr. Trump’s worst instincts.. We see GOP silence while his current burn it all down actions dissolve our long-established, previously-respected election and administration transition processes. Without your complicity, none of the current malfeasance would be going on. You do not work for him. You work for America. Do you want the incoming Biden administration to be stymied beforehand? Do you want them to be lacking in important knowledge needed to keep our country safe? The vaunted Republican concern for our national security seems to have gone the way of all your other ‘beliefs.’ What is the end game of persuading half of our country that our recent election was a con job? Is the desire to hold on to political power at the expense of our country the only thing you still believe in? The corrupting of our once-trusted institutions is almost complete. Justice Dept. CDC. DHS. Check. SCOTUS. Working on it. Ditto with the CIA and FBI. And much more. What happens going forward until Inauguration is on your heads. Only you can stop the degradation of our democracy. We the people did our job getting rid of an unfit president. You should do yours. And I’ve never been more sincere about that. Unless a temporary job is worth history’s condemnation? And the weakening of your country? Your choice.

▶ Created on November 10, 2020 by Debbie

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