Resistbot Petition: GOP VS (OR ❤️) RUSSIA?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Wow. Guess we can put another big kerfuffle to bed. Well, at least those of us based in the facts and reality dimension. I guess you heard that the Treasury Dept. just released new documents outlining an even more pervasive cooperation between the Trump 2016 campaign and the Russian state. Perfect. The world’s best propaganda apparatus helped an American presidential candidate win election to our highest office. How utterly shameful. So the four years spent disavowing such a connection was just more of the same old BS. It’s just too bad there’s always such a lag time between the BS spouted and the truth revealed. (It also gives a whole new meaning to the Trump signs, still displayed prominently in my part of the state, that proudly proclaim ‘Keep America Red.’) Thank goodness Mr. Biden isn’t in the same sort of thrall to our old enemy. And is doing something about it. What side of this debate are you on? For the Russian argument? For the Trump argument? Or for the America argument? One of these days you are going to have to make a decision based on country rather than politics. I would think admitting that Russia absolutely interfered in our election and should be punished might be one of those instances.

▶ Created on April 16, 2021 by Debbie

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