Resistbot Petition: LOSING SIDE OF HISTORY (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Since I don’t have a single Democrat representative on either the local, state, or federal level, I have to write to who I have...which, sadly, would be you. It was fantastic to wake up to the news of true representatives of the people using the little power they have by staging a legislative walk-out. A walk-out protest to (temporarily, I expect) stimie the rotten GOP effort to curtail voting rights by ramming through passage of SB 7. Good for them. Good for the courage exhibited to fight something detrimental to their constituents. (And something detrimental to your own constituents as well, which doesn’t appear to concern you.) Detrimental to Texas. We continue to lead the country in nuttery. But when this nuttery starts to run the government, and impinge on citizens’ lives and rights, the people need to speak. And we are. And we will. You pushed through permitless carry of handguns, during a time of daily mass shootings. A near-total ban on abortion, while at the same time continuing the hollow support of personal liberty. And personal choice. Proposals targeting the teaching of critical race theory, even as our population becomes daily more multi-cultural. Etc etc etc. “Why is there so much legislation that’s arguably hateful coming to the floor?” Rep. Ramon Romero, D-Fort Worth, told The Texas Tribune. “I’ve been here four sessions. I’ve never experienced a session where so many hateful bills have come to the floor. They always have been at the back of the line.” Now hateful, repressive, and backward looking is the new GOP. Or more likely, the same old GOP, but now frightened by a changing world, and willing to do anything they can to turn back the clock. Good luck with that. You’re only making us angry. And angry people vote like crazy.

▶ Created on May 31, 2021 by Debbie

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