Resistbot Petition: GOP COMING FOR SS & MEDICARE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Today’s observation. Y’all are actually really bad at politics. OR we the people really do support policies that actually harm our lives, futures, and the country. The current chant y’all seem to be testing in the run up to November mid-terms…let’s talk about cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and any other program that we dutifully pay into in the hopes of our old ages being bearable. You know, so we don’t have to go to the poorhouse like our ancestors did. Is this supposed to fire up our outrage? Why is the only sort of social programming the GOP loves are tax cuts? Tax cuts that primarily help people who don’t need it. Now the talk is that if y’all regain Congress, everything’s on the table for consideration. And how will that be achieved? By crashing the good credit of the country by refusing to raise the debt ceiling without cuts to social programming (and/or aid to Ukraine.) Even though y’all did it 3 times during the Trump presidency. And even though our debt rose to 7 trillion dollars during his administration. Y’all seem willing to crash our economy for politics. Willing to make seniors in our country fearful for their futures. Willing to do anything and everything to have it all your way. No matter the cost. No matter the repercussions. No matter the damage. No matter. So…if this is the message you want leading up to November, it’s working. Every old person in the country, who already votes votes votes, will most certainly do so. Because you’re right in one tactic…fear is a great motivator.

▶ Created on October 18, 2022 by Debbie

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