Resistbot Petition: CYNICAL FARCE DAY 2

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What’s left to be said about what we watched yesterday on Day 1 of Impeachment #2? Other than why bother. What this constituent saw, along with the rest of the population who cares enough to watch, was one side trying to put American democracy back together after an act of insurrection fomented and encouraged by the man being impeached. The other side, I’m not sure what they were there for. Place marker before a pre-ordained vote to acquit I suppose. They could have said or done anything and it still wouldn’t matter to most of the GOP senators. But if that was what passes for good lawyering, Mr. Trump should be very relieved this is not a real trial. It’s difficult to fathom how lawyers, judges, anyone with a pride in country, who is elected to defend our Republic, could have sat through the proceedings yesterday and not be moved to put country over party. Or at least feel like they’re being played. The assumption is that an acquittal is coming so why bother even pretending to try. How does that make you feel, as an ‘impartial’ juror? How sad for the senators who have zero interest in listening with an open mind. Who have made up their minds...facts, reality, damage to democracy be damned. It’s disgraceful. But it’s your legacies and I know you know that actions have consequences. I hope you find your actions going forward worth the cost to your country. And to your own individual senses of right and wrong. What the American people are seeing is a travesty. Laughable. But not funny.

▶ Created on February 10, 2021 by Debbie

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