Resistbot Petition: DID HE REALLY SAY THAT?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. It seems pointless to keep trying to convince the GOP that they have hitched their wagon to a falling star. Especially since we’re all watching that falling star about to burn up as it hits the American justice system. So it’s really hard to work up any enthusiasm for kicking that dead dog. But we always have our junior senator from Texas. Who seems to truly believe that any publicity is good publicity. And having to consistently retract spouted misinformation just doubles coveted exposure. ‘Woman trampled in Canada by mounted horse patrol during trucker protest.’ Outrageous! ‘Taliban hanging a man from an American Blackhawk helicopter.’ Ditto! ‘“Illegal vaccine mandate” led to shortages of pilots and air traffic controllers. This will not be tolerated! ‘Covid protections created by the “WA Government” (which he assumed meant officials in the state of Washington. It didn’t. The policies he blamed on “power drunk” Democrats in the United States were actually created by officials in in Western Australia.) No matter! Scandalous! And the old reliable ever-hopeful fantasy, ‘Donald Trump spied on by nefarious Democrats (led by Hillary!)’ See! I told you she was crooked! But whoopsie. All these things were proven false. But Sen. Cruz happily spread them around regardless. Because we need to know just how concerned he is. About stuff that isn’t real. Best headline…”Some politicians with national ambitions go to great lengths to earn a reputation for honesty and reliability. And then there’s Ted Cruz.” Nuff said.

▶ Created on February 21, 2022 by Debbie

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