
An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Biden cuts food stamps to placate Republicans

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The president is cutting food stamps because the epidemic is over. However the inflation of food prices is NOT over. Biden says he's concerned about crime but he going to do force more people to turn to crime to eat. Republicans will tell us the solution is more jails. That will force the states to feed people that they have incarcerated. That makes corporations happy. The answer is easy. Text the rich in the corporations. All these problems could be solved and people could stop being desperate. You know when things get bad we have to find alternatives . I hope the Democrats can find a better candidate for president because this President is not working for the elderly and low income. No I will not vote for Trump or DeSantis because I do not believe that fascism is the answer. Democrats doing what they pretend to be is the answer.

▶ Created on March 8, 2023 by Irbie

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