Resistbot Petition: COVID HYPOCRISY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. An observation from a small town, where only recently you could see a mask worn around town. Even now, you go into businesses, people are shaking hands, hugging. Our local paper is full weekly with unmasked groups of folks. Grouped close, smiling at the camera. And our Covid active cases have recently increased. I bring this up because of what I read today. Mr. Giuliani, after 3 days in the hospital with Covid, has been released hale and hearty. Which is good, I want no one to die from this awful virus. However, for him to go out and tout his Cadillac treatment, and still be cavalier about continuing on his dismissive non-mask wearing no-precaution-taking-life is unacceptable. It’s unacceptable to the now millions of folks in the US who don’t have a helicopter waiting outside to whisk them away for 3 days of rejuvenation. Who are sent home with the warning if you get sick, go to the ER. Which in itself is a nightmare scenario. This is the disgusting out-of-touch reality of the elite class. Who can afford to dismiss concerns the rest of us are living with. Because they know they have access to ‘cures.’ The selfishness is unforgivable. Our leaders should have to live the same reality as their citizens do. Visit a Covid ward. Talk to grieving families. Be at the bedside of someone denying to their last breath that they have Covid...because our president and most of the GOP tell them it’s no big deal. Because to them, it’s not.

▶ Created on December 10, 2020 by Debbie

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