Resistbot Petition: ALL THINGS HILLARY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Finally. Just when I thought the GOP would never be able to regain a focus, they have. Hillary Clinton. When all else fails, go back to the tried and true. Easy to market. Simple to understand. Y’all have already made sure folks think she’s Satan incarnate. Easy peasy. No thought required. Say Hillary and believers foam at the mouth. Attempts at insurrection are forgotten. Actual lies, misinformation, coup attempts, absconding with classified info, not following any rules at all, figuratively chewing up the Constitution and flushing it down the toilet…all that is forgotten. Forgiven. Not relevant. Because…Hillary! Hilarious. If this isn’t the dying gasp of something I don’t know what is. And these are the minds that want to rule the country? Lord save us. From Hillary!

▶ Created on February 17, 2022 by Debbie

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