Resistbot Petition: STOP THE DISTORTIONS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Where have I heard this before? A crazy man in charge of nuclear weapons starts an unprovoked war by amassing troops, invading, killing innocents, but somehow expects the world to believe that he’s the victim here. That what I’m watching the Republicans in Congress do. You even now still refuse to acknowledge that Donald Trump weakened Ukraine with the actions that led to his FIRST impeachment. And that, combined with his attempts in in other ways to diminish Ukraine, in no way led to Russia believing that the way was cleared for doing what Putin eventually did and is doing. Mr. Trump laid the groundwork for what is happening. He did not help Ukraine. He took the side of Russia more than once. He belittled his own country in their eyes. You saw and did nothing. When he was called on the carpet for these actions, you did nothing. And you still do nothing. But now, because y’all have learned so well from the masters of propaganda, you are attempting to reflect the blame back anywhere except where it rightfully belongs. It doesn’t matter to you what the Biden administration has done, is doing, on Ukraine’s behalf. It will never be the right thing. Or enough. You will constantly scream for more. You will deflect. Obfuscate. Obscure facts and reality. Further try and crack our current shared unity on the world stage. It’s an astounding slight of hand. Between the adults in your party choosing to stand silent and the nuts actively promoting Russian talking points, both in Congress and on America’s own RT, what are y’all trying to do to the country? When half the country is acting like America itself is the enemy, someone has done a splendid job in making, and allowing, that to happen. Your half did that by your dishonest evaluation of dangerous actions by a Republican president. Y’all failed the country you serve. And no amount of verbal contortions will ever erase that.

▶ Created on March 18, 2022 by Debbie

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