Resistbot Petition: TRUTH & CONSEQUENCE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. It certainly appears that karma may be catching up with your all-but-anointed 2024 presidential candidate. Drip drip drip goes our legal system. The only system that so far seems able to mete out appropriate consequences for actions. DJT is now a recorded sex abuser. A jury of his peers said so. Said so in under 3 hours of deliberation. Said so regardless of all the predictable responses to the E. Jean Carroll verdict from your side. Responses we are reading with a combination of LOL, head-shaking, and WTF. But the thing I personally am most struck by is the GOP perception that it is not so much the act he was shown to be guilty of that is concerning, but that it will affect his electability. Not that he was shown to be guilty of grabbing her by the ‘kitty’ (I won’t use the word DJT prefers because I know THAT offends) but that he may lose yet more women votes. Ya think? But then there’s the faction who always thinks, incorrectly, that opinions on issues offending/affecting women won’t last. That the outrage will blow over. How’d that work in 2022? Women are elated, jubilant, that a brave woman finally got her day in court. That she was believed. That justice is hers. Finally. And no one can understand that feeling of being seen, being validated, quite like another woman. So I end with two quotes on yesterday’s reckoning that should speak volumes…if you listen… “The fact is, I do not think he could win the presidency,” Sen. John Cornyn of Texas told reporters on Capitol Hill. "Regardless of what you think about him as an individual, to me, electability is ... the sole criterion." “Appearing on NBC News’s “Today” show on Wednesday, Ms. Carroll said the verdict was a vindication of her long effort. “I’m overwhelmed, overwhelmed with joy and happiness and delight for the women in this country,” she said.” As we are for you EJC.

▶ Created on May 10, 2023 by Debbie

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