Resistbot Petition: LEAVE MY VOTE ALONE (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Although I live in a red district in a red state I join the majority of our citizenry in the fight against your party, the GOP, trying to take away our most American and sacred right. OUR VOTE. Un-American indeed. You can't win the battle? Change the rules. You have a bad product that no one will buy? Change the rules. Too many of the wrong people voting? Change the rules. And subvert our Constitution. The desperation is apparent. You have no honest platform. You have no forward-looking vision. You have no plan other than to stay in office. The American people aren't buying what you're selling. So throw so much against the wall, maybe one or two things will stick. And you can discourage a few voters. But it works on voters on both sides of the aisle. Your calculations are flawed. And your intent is malevolent. Once again, it will be left to the courts to sift through the dangerous (and ridiculous) attacks and help preserve our democracy. Since it's apparent your version of it is anything BUT democratic. The irony, and hypocrisy, of duly ELECTED politicians attempting to subvert the very system that put them in office is priceless. We just had an election with the most robust voter turnout ever. But if you think that was something, wait until you try and take our right to vote away. You ain't seen nothing yet.

▶ Created on March 27, 2021 by Debbie

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