Resistbot Petition: R.I.P. GOP

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. And there we have it. Mr. Trump holds a rally Saturday where he straight up lies that the AZ audit proved he won the 2020 election. And the crowd ate it up. Judging from the deafening silence from the GOP in Congress, we’ll assume you’re all in on this gob-smacking furthering of the Big Lie as well. A Big Lie that YOU are allowing to destroy our Democratic processes. A Big Lie that YOU encourage and validate by your complicit silence. Do you think this encouragement of insurrection against any election outcome not agreed with is harmless? Just politics in action? And that after your party manages to hang on to power by any means necessary all the fomented anarchy will just miraculously go away? If that is your hope, dream, or fantasy you should be looking for a new job. Because the job of an elected official who took an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States of America is quite obviously not for you. I leave you with a quote from my favorite historian: “The profound disagreement between the Republicans and the Democrats over the role of government has led to a profound crisis in our democracy. Democrats’ argument that the government should work for ordinary Americans is popular, so popular that Republicans have apparently given up convincing voters their way is better. Through voter suppression, gerrymandering, the filibuster, and the Electoral College, and now with new election laws in 18 states, they have guaranteed that they will retain control no matter what voters actually want. Their determination to keep Democrats from power has made them abandon democracy.” One for the history books for certain. You planted, cultivated, and fed the seeds of your party’s own destruction. What a legacy.

▶ Created on September 26, 2021 by Debbie

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