Resistbot Petition: DO YOUR DUTY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am voting constituent in rural west Texas. “I will do my duty” Mike Pence on certifying the electoral college vote. “Hang Mike Pence.” Rioters in the January 6 insurrection. Impeachment #2, Day #3. More brutal reality check from the Democratic Impeachment Managers. More indisputable evidence that Mr. Trump was not only derelict in his duty to the country, but an active danger to his V-P. How will you choose to ignore what you’ve seen and heard over the past few days? How will you justify any vote to not convict Mr. Trump? A disingenuous vote on the process but not the content is the ultimate cowardice. It will not ring true. There is absolutely nothing to be heard coming from the Trump defense team that will ever, could ever, make what the American people have seen, right. This is a political trial, as we hear ad nauseum. So please don’t plead process when you decide to take the easy way out. And betray your country. I’ve gone from apathy in the assumption that the Senate will acquit to full-bore rage that the Senate could possibly even consider to acquit. I expect I’m not alone.

▶ Created on February 11, 2021 by Debbie

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