An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. “Based on the evidence, the Court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021.” On Monday we read these words from Federal Judge David Carter. And the sad thing is, we got to watch day by the day the slow destruction of norms and rules and the moral compass of our country that led to these words being issued. Finally issued. Sadly issued. We watched in real time while one of our political parties lost their minds and stepped on their oaths to safeguard our constitution and the country they serve, all in fealty to one man who wanted to destroy democracy based on lies and his deranged need to win at all costs. I am sick and tired of the finger pointing, the blame, the obfuscation that clouds the whole process. Why wouldn’t our elected officials want to know the whole truth? Why? It could not be any clearer that malevolent dark forces were working within and without our government to overthrow the will of the American people. And now these same people, and their continued enablers, are attempting to use the might of the legal system to help absolve them. Or at the very least obstruct long enough for the GOP to retake Congress, with the implicit belief that any effort to complete a January 6 investigation to hold ANYONE to account will disappear. Think about that. With all the avalanche of information being revealed every day, the assumption is that the GOP will snap their fingers and it will all go away. No harm. No foul. And all will be well. Good luck with that idea. You may think we the people are just that stupid. And it’s been shown that some large portion of us absolutely are. But look around you. It was only by the grace of Republican officials doing their duty that we don’t now have a crazy man back in the White House. And our Constitution in flames. So even if no one of merit is ever held to account and even if everything we’ve learned so far is tidily swept under the rug come November, please remember…the court of public opinion is often a much stronger judge in the long run.

▶ Created on March 29, 2022 by Debbie

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