Resistbot Petition: NOT GOING AWAY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. We’re watching the expected beginnings of the ripple effect of the SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade. The one headlining is of course the 10 year old raped child who had to travel out of state to get an abortion so we wouldn’t have a child having a child. A no-brainer right? Not so much considering the reaction from your side of the aisle after the ‘lie’ was proven to be ‘fact.’ But regardless…y’all can figure out your own version of reality on this one. I offer my own. Taking away bodily autonomy from half of the American population will absolutely positively without a doubt be a factor in the November midterms. Do not doubt that for a second. Becoming pregnant is a trait common to one gender. And we, female, know what it feels like to be pregnant when we don’t wish to be. This is a potential that is threaded through every single one of our child-bearing days. So if you think that the fury you’re seeing by taking away that right over our bodies will dissipate like most things do with time, you are sorely mistaken. Human nature is such that we often don’t pay attention unless events affect us personally. We engage with tragedy for a while then we move on. Or we focus on the outrage du jour, and then move on. Our attention spans are short. And everyday life intrudes. But being pregnant when you don’t want to be, or being pregnant that is going to result in no good outcome, or being pregnant because of horrendous acts is not something one gets over. Taking away this fundamental decision and putting it in the hands of politicians suggests only one outcome…the ballot box. So you can spout about overturning Roe v Wade having no effect on Republican chances come November…women and their fury will prove you wrong. Trust me.

▶ Created on July 15, 2022 by Debbie

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