Resistbot Petition: NAILED IT

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What now y’all? After the SOTU y’all must be feeling as grumpy as you looked last night. Biden kinda nailed it huh? He called y’all out for the hypocrisy we all see, daily. To your faces. He called out SCOTUS for what they have done to women. To their faces. “With all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral and political power,” he said, looking down on the robed jurists in attendance. “You’re about to find out just how much they have.”” No kidding. Remember that as your your party scrambles to support IVF while voting against protections at the same time. And not even deigning to stand up and clap while Biden showed us the support you do not. He called out border hypocrisy, while one of your true conservative members mouthed ‘That’s true.’ And Mike Johnson squirmed like he needed a bathroom break. He wrangled successfully with the House clowns who not only diminish themselves but basic decorum any chance they get. (I’ll be embarrassed for them since they’re incapable.) What’s their point? The contrast was vividly made between what we currently have: hope, optimism, pride, and what is being offered us as a better alternative: hate, division, and loathing of the country. What kind of voter would choose darkness over light? You underestimate us. P.S. re: Sen. Katie Britt. The next time you want to trot out a woman, a woman who is obviously bright and an asset to your party, to show you really care about women, you might not put her in a kitchen. That staging was as tone-deaf as her rebuttal. And says everything we need to know about how you really regard us.

▶ Created on March 8 by Debbie

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