I’m concerned about the disgraceful new CDC COVID guidelines. 400 people are dying daily in the US alone. Thousands are becoming severely and chronically ill from a preventable disease. Due to the constant evolution of new COVID variants, the US has been in a surge - currently seeing high or substantial transmission in 99% of US counties - since early June. And while elderly, Indigenous, Black, Latinx, immunocompromised and disabled people bear the biggest burden, all are affected as many young healthy adults and children die and are impacted by Long COVID in unpredictable patterns.
The guidelines place the responsibility of public health onto individuals, without providing individuals proper resources or support. This is unacceptable. We need responsible, clear CDC guidelines that will keep our communities and our loved ones safe. We need you to act to stop the unchecked spread of COVID-19, immediately. We need:
Free access to N95-grade masks for all;
Free access to PCR and rapid testing;
Robust, universal, paid sick leave;
Mask mandates in public places, including schools, public transport and medical facilities;
Federal funding and guidance for ventilation and filtration updates, coupled with meaningful regulation;
Universal access to healthcare including continued COVID treatment and testing for uninsured people;
Updated vaccines and universal access to them globally.
You must choose a healthier, more equitable pandemic response. We all deserve better.