Resistbot Petition: HELP THE PEOPLE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I know y’all usually claim to follow the will of the people. The will of your constituents. For the good of the country. So now you find yourselves in the position of having to buck not only the will of your president, but also the will of the majority of his/your base. And the rest of us. Basically everyone. That’s what’s known as a sticky wicket. Why don’t y’all just cave for the good of America and give the people what they want. What they need. More money to help keep their heads above water. To keep the wolf away from the door. You act like $2000 is asking for the moon. But you spend billions of our taxpayer dollars on things much less worthy than feeding and housing Americans. Give the people what they want. What they need. Otherwise, your claims to care about the will of the folks you represent will ring as hollow as the rest of your long-dead claims of righteousness in the name of the American people. Because the view from out here screams that your only real concern is with protecting the rights of folks like yourselves. And the rest of us are just cogs in your machine. Let’s see if you continue to live up to your monstrous hypocrisy. Give the people what they need.

▶ Created on December 30, 2020 by Debbie

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