Resistbot Petition: GREAT JOB?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. When will the American public learn? When will we learn that Lucy will always yank the football just as Charlie Brown is about to kick it? When will we learn that political theater is just that? The debt ceiling issue is apparently resolved, with how much damage to our reputation yet to be seen. But at least we’ll be paying our bills. And the debt ceiling was suspended. Not raised. For two years. Social programs are saved, and in some cases, expanded. Some nominal adjustments were made to other stuff. But nothing earthshaking. And nothing that apparently can’t be amended in the future. So what was all the angst and anxiety about? The Biden administration gave up little. Democrats saved the Speaker’s, and the GOP’s lunches, by adding enough votes to counteract the fringe and pass the bill. Reading some of the more fawning coverage of ‘a giant win’ for McCarthy is laughable. Why does the GOP always get graded on a curve? Behavior that if Democrats exhibited would result in dragging over the coals is normalized. Excused with a shrug of lowered expectations. In your party everyone gets a trophy if the bare minimum is achieved and not crashing the economy. Classic lowering of the bar for the lowest common denominator. That can’t make you feel proud. “Republicans were excused for starting the fire and Biden was at fault for not putting it out fast enough.” Yep. But thanks for not crashing the economy? You win.

▶ Created on June 2, 2023 by Debbie

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