Resistbot Petition: BE A RESPONSIBLE HUMAN (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. No hum. Watching another deadly shooting on the nightly news. This one in Texas. I think the GOP strategy of doing nothing to help prevent these kinds of events is working. At least on me. Ho hum. It’s like Covid. I don’t have it. No one I know has died. Why should I care? If Sandy Hook didn’t change anything, nothing will. The GOP mantra of right to life only extends to the unborn. Everyone else better arm up. As I’ve written before I have no problem with the gun culture. I grew up with it. What I continue to have a problem with is the persistent fear-mongering that inflames passions that don’t need inflaming, all as political strategy. No one wants guns taken away. We just want it to stop being commonplace night after night to see our fellow citizens mowed down. And remind me again why it’s so important that every citizen be allowed to own a militarized arsenal? Since your party seems to be radicalized these days, maybe to overthrow the government your armed supporters keep complaining about? Ho hum.

▶ Created on April 8, 2021 by Debbie

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