Resistbot Petition: SO MUCH NOISE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Gosh it was nice just a short while ago when the word Trump didn’t appear in every single headline on my news feed. But here we are. And being a constituent who truly believes that our voices are our power, whether you listen or not, here I am. DJT indictment. Charges pending. But ignorance of that specific info is no reason not to go on batshit defense is it? “[C]orrupt Socialist District Attorney Alvin Bragg [and] the radical Far Left” (New York representative Elise Stefanik) “irreparably damaged our country” (House speaker Kevin McCarthy) “for pure political gain” (Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin). It is “a direct assault on the tens of millions of Americans who support [Trump]” (Ohio senator J. D. Vance), and “[the House Republicans] will hold Alvin Bragg accountable” (Stefanik, again).  Weaponization of government anyone? How come y’all can’t just wait for the system to do its thing? Indicting a president is not a good thing. But can’t we see what the fire is going to be before y’all start stomping it out? Stomping out the rule of law that is. So much for the law and order party. Anybody remember ‘Lock her up’? Regardless. Here’s the reality, succinctly put by one of your own, David Frum, who could never be called a RINO. “Many prominent Republicans want Trump gone. But they are caught in a trap of their own bad faith: They want prosecutors to do for them the job they are too scared and broken to do for themselves. But they also, for their own crass political advantage, want to pretend to be on Trump’s side during the prosecution—while inwardly cheering on the prosecutors. Bad faith is a coward’s method, and these bad-faith Republicans are earning the coward’s reward. They hope that the legal system will rescue them from their own humiliating submission, but they are acting to deliver the Republican nomination to Trump for a third time. If Trump does win the nomination, they’ll submit again.” Ain’t that the sad truth. For ALL of you who know better, and do nothing.

▶ Created on April 2, 2023 by Debbie

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