Resistbot Petition: FILIBUSTER FOR REAL

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I am told to contact my Democratic Senators with comments on the current filibuster debate. Ha. So I’m writing to you instead. Take it back to the original intent. It seems today’s version is undemocratic. Which to my definition means unequal power is given to the minority to stop the wheels of legislation, with no consequences. Just say NO. Done and done. If the current Republican Party was at all serious about moving the needs of the American people forward, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. But you’re proving daily, regardless of the squawking about partisanship on the other side, that your only goal is to stop the workings of your portion of the government. So I’m of the opinion that if you won’t, can’t, don’t uphold your end of the bargain made when you were elected, it should be made as difficult as possible for reckless and stubborn to have its way in the face of the people’s desire for a functioning government. You should have to defend your objections to your last breath on the Senate floor. And I would feel this way if Republicans were in the majority and the Democrats were behaving in the same way. Enough of childishness. Plus, just think. Y’all could all drag out your copies of Green Eggs and Ham for a really worthy purpose. Just ask Senator Cruz. If nothing else, it got him a headline or two.

▶ Created on March 9, 2021 by Debbie

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