Resistbot Petition: DO TEXAS A FAVOR. STAY IN CANCUN (Texas only)

An open letter to the U.S. Senate (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. My vow of not writing to you guys anymore stands. But I absolutely could not let the visual of one of my Texas senators hopping on an airplane, passport in hand, to jet off to the comfort of Cancun while his state is in an unmitigated disaster, go unnoticed. Jetting off to where the lights are bright and there are no icicles inside your house. And where I expect you don’t have to burn your children’s toys to try and keep warm. the other half lives is good. Senator Cruz. Seriously? You have an optics issue. Did you have a bigger emergency than your frozen state that required your presence in Mexico? Or a non-refundable ticket that gave you no choice but to bug out? This is just the icing on the cake. No pun intended. How you continue to be re-elected using phony populist rhetoric while living the life of Riley flummoxes me. To quote another good Texan: “There’s an old Texas saying. When the going gets tough, the tough go to Cancun.” Tough indeed. We see you. And it continues to be an awful sight.

▶ Created on February 18, 2021 by Debbie

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