
An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Vote NO on the CRA resolution to repeal the SEC’s new climate rule!

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I’m writing as your constituent today to ask that you vote NO on the Congressional Review Act resolution that would repeal the SEC’s new rule “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors.” Many investors want better information on how climate change and the transition to a cleaner economy will impact their retirement savings, and this rule will provide a bare minimum of that information. If Congress passes the Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution, the SEC could even be prohibited from issuing substantially similar rules. This means the agency wouldn’t be able to improve these disclosures over time, for example by including emissions that occur throughout a company’s value chain like a bank’s lending to the fossil fuel industry—even if investors want and need the information. Sticking our heads in the sand on this issue won’t make it go away – so I ask that you take the side of hardworking retirement savers over the fossil fuel interests, and vote down this bill. Thank you.

▶ Created on May 22, 2024 by Jess Craven

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