Resistbot Petition: BRAVERY IS HARD

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. The country is watching the soap opera that is the current GOP battle with itself. What I’m seeing makes me wish for the days of George W. Bush. And with that comment, hell has frozen over for me. The GOP used to be a party of decency. Now, it is a party based on loyalty to one man. With no ideology other than support of him and his Big Lie. That is the extent of your party. That and silly culture war histrionics. You’re a bunch of empty suits with an even emptier vision. However, as is true in most things, a woman amongst you is holding up a mirror to your shameless political prostituting. And for her honesty, which you know is honesty, she is being pilloried. Because she is making you ashamed of your own dishonesty, you are trying to break her. "”I have heard from members, concerned about her ability to carry out the job as conference chair, to carry out the message," [Kevin]McCarthy said on Fox News.” You are saying she is not up to the job. That is a lie. Her job is not to lend support to a lie. Her only failing is to tell the truth. And you know it. What kind of cowardice does it take to continue on the path you all have chosen? To disavow your own party. To throw down on someone absolutely trying to speak truth to power. To support them behind closed doors but denigrate them in public because they will not choose the lie as you think they should. Liz Cheney: “We can't embrace the notion the election is stolen. It's a poison in the bloodstream of our democracy…. We can't whitewash what happened on January 6 or perpetuate Trump's big lie. It is a threat to democracy. What he did on January 6 is a line that cannot be crossed." Too bad you can’t be as brave. For your country. And your own soul. This poor decision will haunt you. Of that you can be certain.

▶ Created on May 4, 2021 by Debbie

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