Resistbot Petition: LOOKING FORWARD

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Is it just me? Or is everyone watching and rewatching Nancy Pelosi threatening to punch DJT? While she was trying to protect the republic he was trying to burn down? I say…go girl. We all think it. We all want it. And I’m pretty sure she could do it. While we all watch the long-overdue crumbling of the facade that was our 45th president, which I’m assuming my elected officials realize is an inevitable conclusion, a new observation is arising. An observation that would appear to support the ‘deep state’ that your side is always going on about. And you know where it seems to be located? Within the FBI. Within the Secret Service. And perhaps, perhaps probably, within our US military. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I don’t choose to believe crazy just because it suits my world view. But this seems to be now being considered to be a possible present danger. A deep state dedicated to subverting the very democracy they work for. In support of the corrupting influence of an ex-president who will not go quietly. Shouldn’t this be a topic for at least some discussion? No one wants the McCarthy era revisited, but if a government is indeed corrupted from the inside out, shouldn’t that be a concern? Just a thought.

▶ Created on October 14, 2022 by Debbie

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