An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Watched history, once again being made yesterday. Donald Trump once again impeached. Once should have been enough. But in the year+ since the last one, only 10 of your colleagues deemed insurrection fomented by the President of the USA, resulting in the storming of our Capitol, as a bridge too far. 10 House Reps chose country over Trump. And I say Trump instead of their party because true Republicans would never ever have condoned his behavior, and by extension, the behavior of his supporters intent on mayhem and murder by voting to not impeach these actions by a sitting president. So today I write in dismay to my newly-elected House Rep, Mr. Pfluger. Who not only voted against any consequences for Mr. Trump’s crime against his country, but had also voted in support of the mass lie of voter and election fraud. Voted in support of even after the chaos of the Capitol siege. As he wrote in a blanket rote response to an earlier concern: “Following the November elections, the faith of many American’s in our electoral system was shaken. On January 6, 2021, I supported objections to certain states and ultimately voted to reject the electoral college results of Arizona and Pennsylvania. My support to call for a debate on these issues by objecting was not a decision I took lightly, but Americans deserve to have their concerns heard. I would like to take a moment to explain my reasoning for my objections.” And it goes on with the usual ‘concerns’, based on either disingenuousness, delusion, or deliberate pandering to his base. But basically he’s throwing any concept of states rights to the wind. And ultimately supporting a debunked conspiracy theory started by Mr. Trump and his enablers. Of which, he is sadly now one. It really doesn’t matter what I think about his actions. I live in rural Texas. So I will always be a minority in my thinking on right and wrong. But history listens to a different drummer. And apparently so do a lot of people who matter more than me. Like donors. So here’s hoping inaction in defending our democracy will lead to empty coffers for the politicians who rallied around the wrong flagpole. Of which Mr. Pfluger is now one. I suppose infamy is one way to an illustrious political career. But it may be a short one.

▶ Created on January 14, 2021 by Debbie

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