Resistbot Petition: IT’S NOT YOUR BODY (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. In the recent decision whether Ohio's ban on doctors performing abortions after cardiac activity is detected violates the state constitution, the ruling judge who granted a preliminary injunction to block the law spoke words that resonate with any woman whose rights to bodily autonomy have been gutted. “I don’t think you could, with a straight face, disagree that you’re limiting her autonomy. You’re restricting her opportunities. You’re restricting her rights. You’re relegating her to a different status.” “What endows you with the ability to make that judgment?” Read that last line carefully. You might believe you have the right to control our bodies. We absolutely know we have the right to fire you at the ballot box.

▶ Created on October 8, 2022 by Debbie

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