Resistbot Petition: WE WILL NOT GO BACK!

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. GOP extreme politics of cynicism are catching up with y’all. You hoped the Democrats and Trump’s own actions would save you from having to take a stand for the country. To make a decision that involved your oath of office and love of country over political machinations for self preservation. You condone GOP candidates spouting the most radical, destructive, divisive, bigoted, lying language seen in decades. You’re happy with what was once the fringes of our society running on platforms to destroy our democracy. To run on a platform of lies in fealty to a loser ex-president. And now your party has finally, apparently, found the holy grail of cynical politics. The abolishing of Roe v. Wade. Uh oh. Now what to do? Only 16% of the country wants to do away with abortion rights completely. Will that demographic keep you in office? And the feeble expressions of ‘let the states’ elected officials make the ultimate determination’ is terrifying, especially if you live in Texas. You have no idea what your efforts are going to result in. This is a visceral issue for women. It affects them directly. Personally. Intimately. And no man, regardless of existential sympathy, can ever ever know what that feels like. To know what it feels like to lose the right to control your own destiny. And body. This red-hot anger is growing. Organizing. Fundraising like crazy. We will not go back. Your talk was cheap. Now let’s see what your actions are. P.S. My expectations couldn’t be any lower on that front. You finally caught the car. But it’s about to turn back around and run you right over.

▶ Created on May 6, 2022 by Debbie

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