
An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress


I am deeply disturbed and saddened by your lack of care & help for American citizens who have been trapped in occupied Gaza. How can you tell Americans to leave their immediate family behind if they wish to evacuate? It's clear you don't care about Palestinian lives- so I'll spare you that conversation for now- so right now I want you to understand I am talking about Americans. There are American fathers and mothers being told they can't evacuate with their spouses and children because they aren't citizens too. You've given Americans the horrifying choice to either leave their families to die, or stay in occupied Gaza and die with them. What happened to not leaving any American behind? I don't care if their children aren't citizens- the child of an American citizen should be given the same safety to evacuate a genocide. You are trying to break up American families who are facing dire conditions. Our fellow Americans and their families are facing the possibility of death every single day they remain trapped. I demand you do everything within your power to bring Americans and their families to safety. Anything less is an insult to every American. Do better and do it NOW.

▶ Created on November 8, 2023 by Sarah

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