I understand that Congress wants to ban Tiktok because it’s an “urgent threat to national security.” If this is the standard by which we are going to ban technology platforms I just want to make sure that Congress also intends to ban Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter —all of which are known to have been infiltrated by foreign agents who are actively using these platforms to harm our country. These platforms are also havens for white supremacists, whom we know right now present the most serious terror threat to the US. And if Congress is worried about Americans being spied on, I expect them to also ban DHS, who is running a covert program gathering intelligence on Americans that many of its own employees think is illegal. And you should throw in google and Amazon, who are unabashedly spying on millions of Americans every day. Will Congress be banning all of the above? Because otherwise this Tiktok ban will do nothing to protect Americans from real threats. Thanks.