Resistbot Petition: REAP YOUR WHIRLWIND

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Wow. Finally something that gets congressional Republicans outraged. A challenge to our national security in the form of a troop pullout in Afghanistan. Finally. “Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) took to the floor to declare that he is “alarmed” by Trump’s plan to reduce the U.S. presence to “a potentially unstable and dangerous level,” and that the lame-duck president is doing so “without any real consultation, either with our allies at NATO or elsewhere, certainly not with Congress.” “A precipitous retreat, which would reverse the progress we have made and fought so hard to make, is deeply troubling,” Cornyn said.” You mean Mr. Trump isn’t consulting with y’all before making his plans? Ha. That’s a good one. Where has your outrage been when he has circumvented the entire governmental apparatus time and time again in the pursuit of his own agenda? Hahahaha. A little bit late to try and tame the beast don’t you think? Y’all have fun. The rest of us are used to it.

▶ Created on November 18, 2020 by Debbie

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