Resistbot Petition: Concerns about KOSA: Protect Online Safety without Compromising Rights

An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress

Concerns about KOSA: Protect Online Safety without Compromising Rights

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The reintroduction of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) raises significant concerns about online rights. Despite modifications, the bill still mandates surveillance for those sixteen and under, grants state attorneys general the power to censor content, and fails to define what content is considered harmful. This lack of clarity could lead to arbitrary decisions that infringe on the rights and safety of young people online. Furthermore, the proposed age verification requirements could undermine anonymity and privacy. The Electronic Frontier Foundation suggests alternative solutions such as stronger competition laws and comprehensive data privacy legislation. It is crucial to reconsider the implications of KOSA and explore these alternatives to ensure online safety without compromising rights and privacy.

▶ Created on August 27, 2023 by Jeffrey

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