Resistbot Petition: BABY STEPS ARE GOOD TOO

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m addressing Senator Cornyn specifically today. To thank you for taking tentative, but patriotic, steps towards moving our democracy forward. And by that I mean saying, publicly, that P-E Biden needs to begin receiving daily presidential briefings. So at least one of our ‘presidents’ will actually be reading the things. Our national security is dependent on leaders being informed. So thank you for your words. They matter. Now, if y’all could just stop trying to make Mr. Trump feel like he actually won the election as you shuffle him out the door, life would be brighter. I’ll leave you with this image... “Meanwhile, the president is holed up in the White House, his public schedule empty, tweeting about how he has won an election that everyone knows he lost.” Talk about a snowflake. He’s an entire snow storm.

▶ Created on November 13, 2020 by Debbie

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