An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. A record day for the country. Highest daily Covid infection yet. 77k I suppose that’s a winning of sorts. For the grim reaper. And since we’re in Texas. Land of the coronavirus deluded, I thought I’d give you a report from my son who works in an Austin ER. Last night... “The Covid stuff is unfortunately picking up again. Every hospital in our system is full. Completely. We're the only one open and we just hit capacity this morning. No one cares anymore about the " hoax". This is getting bad. “ But yet. I’m just watching our President. At a rally. In Florida. In a retirement community. Squashed in like sardines. Boogieing maskless. And our President, for the millionth time, proclaiming that we’re turning the corner. It’s all good. All while making fun of Joe Biden, conscientious mask wearer. And all this after we the people paid for his elite, exclusive Covid treatment because he is an idiot. Your idiot.

▶ Created on October 23, 2020 by Debbie

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