An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Okay, I’ve had it. I’ve had it up to here with our President dividing the country based on loyalty to him. Democrat states. Trump states. Democrat cities. Trump cities. It’s disgusting. He won’t help California as it burns. A petty, vindictive, juvenile action. He won’t condemn the planned kidnapping of a Democratic Governor by right-wing extremists. Because he wants their love. He won’t disavow the whole mass delusion of QAnon. The most disgusting, lunatic fringe conspiracy theory perhaps ever. Again, because they think he’s their chosen one. He retweets the most ghastly accusations about Obama. Things that if Obama had offered as topics for ‘discussion’ he would no longer be sitting in the WH. He would have been hauled away by the little men in white coats. A president leads all the country. Not only those who love him. That’s what a despot does, not an American President. If this is your idea of a worthy American leader, you are as nuts as he is. And certainly deserve to be severed from any future public service. Silence is tactic agreement. You might call it self-preservation. I call it cowardice. Cowardice in disservice to the country you say you love. If Mr. Trump thinks his burn down the country strategy is the way to a second term, and it works, America will totally deserve him. And it will be in no small part thanks to you and the Republican Congress.

▶ Created on October 16, 2020 by Debbie

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