Resistbot Petition: PAY OUR BILLS

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. In a daily check on the world we see the usual. DJT is going to be the GOP candidate for president in 2024. Apparently because the GOP can’t get enough of losing. Fine. Bring him on. Can’t wait. That freak show isn’t nearly as concerning as the looming crisis we seem to be facing because half the Congress has decided to take their perennial shut-down-the-government-or-else strategy onto the world stage. We wait breathlessly to see who’s going to prevail in the fight that the GOP started, but can’t win. Hasn’t your past history in these matters taught anything? The debt ceiling, as has been pointed out time and time again is not a negotiation. It is an obligation. An obligation that was a given under every single Republican president when the same issue came up. The 14th Amendment keeps getting pointed to. Remember that? Passed by Republicans back in the day to prevent such dangerous tomfoolery as threatening to not pay our bills? “When Republican lawmakers wrote the Fourteenth Amendment in 1866, they recognized that a refusal to meet the nation’s financial obligations would dismantle the government, and they defended the sanctity of the commitments the government had made. When voters ratified that amendment in 1868, they added to the Constitution, our fundamental law, the principle that the obligations of the country “shall not be questioned.”” Where’d that party of responsibility and love of country go? Pay our bills. Fight over the budget later. Show some good sense for a change. Lastly, a happy note, a very viable candidate has tossed his 4th-generation Texas hat into the ring to challenge my junior Senator in 2024. Colin Allred. As he so succinctly put it, “We don’t have to be embarrassed by our senator; we can get a new one.” Can I get an amen?

▶ Created on May 3, 2023 by Debbie

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