Resistbot Petition: SB1 IS A SHAM (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. The scheme is working. I’m referring to the mayhem created with your constituents’ voting rights by passage of SB1. You know, the solution without a problem? Texas already had repressive voting. Now, with the hurried passage of this awful bill, chaos is reigning. All part of the plan I’m certain. Confusion will reign long enough to accomplish the goal of suppressing votes in the upcoming primaries and mid-terms. If y’all were really serious in tweaking voting security, it would have been better planned, better organized, with procedures already in place to avoid the kind of mass rejection of mail-in ballots we’re currently seeing. We know the 2020 election was exemplary in its process. Officials on your side of the aisle who know these things have said so time and time again. But it’s obvious to the state, the country, and the world that our Republican leadership’s only concern is making certain voter turnout is lower than usual. Fear of being voted out of office is a powerful motivator it seems. You’re willing to trash the same Constitution you’re always waving around when it suits your argument. The rest of the time it’s just in the way. Despicable.

▶ Created on February 15, 2022 by Debbie

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