Resistbot Petition: STOP DICTATING TO US (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Oh good grief. Really? Commanding that the 10 Commandants be displayed in every Texas classroom? Legislating religious observance in Texas schools is how y’all think your time is best spent? And our taxpayer dollars? Is this your version of freedom of religion? Nerts to anyone not Christian I guess. The Spanish Inquisition would be proud. Y’all have already done such great damage to Texas with the power given to you by voters. But you refuse to listen to what the majority of voters actually want. Just because we’re gerrymandered to your benefit, doesn’t mean that we all agree with your radical vision of what our state should be. The future is coming boys. You best embrace it. Ozzie and Harriet are dead and gone. The young folk are coming. Racial multi-cultural diversity is coming, is here. Universal acceptance of all that scares you is coming. And banning books, banning a woman’s choice, making us pray, with a gun in our hand, is not going to change any of that. I know (hope) most of the nutty things passed in the Senate won’t make it through the House. But just the fact that you keep trying is depressing. What you’re doing to Texas is depressing. And to think y’all were once the ones screaming about Sharia law, while you were really just looking for pointers. Explain to us how your goals are different.

▶ Created on April 21, 2023 by Debbie

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