Resistbot Petition: DOING NOTHING = DOING RIGHT? (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am voting constituent in rural west Texas. Just so you and yours know, just because the sun is back and shining, many of us still don’t have food, water, habitable housing, or any meaningful support from our state government. Once again, the Republican trickle-down governance leaves it to our citizens to handle the fallout from their leaders’ dereliction. From the Texas Tribune: “ERCOT and electric utilities answer to the state Public Utility Commission, whose board is appointed by Gov. Greg Abbott. And everyone answers to the Texas Legislature, which can write laws to regulate any part of the system. A Texas Tribune and ProPublica investigation found that Texas regulators and lawmakers knew about the grid’s vulnerabilities for years, but repeatedly prioritized the interests of large electricity providers rather than force expensive changes.” As I read speculation that our Governor, in the hopes of honing his support for a potential 2024 presidential run, does not want to appear beholden to the federal government for help during this major disaster, I can’t help but wonder...when did out and out disregard for the welfare of your citizenry become a political plus? We see you.

▶ Created on February 27, 2021 by Debbie

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